
Documentation for FCMS generic JSON format #

The purpose of this document is to cover the generic json format for job postings within the FCMS ecosystem.

Full exemple #

Here is an expected JSON in FCMS format.

The exemple below list all available fields for describing a job posting. Most of them are optional, but we encourage you to complete them as much as you can.

    "title": "Aide-Soignant à Domicile en CDI H/F",
    "partnerID": "399f923225c901",
    "description": "Description de l'offre",
    "profileDescription": "Description du profil attendu",
    "baseSalary": {
      "period": "P1M",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "maxValue": 3000,
      "minValue": 2500.50,
      "comment": "Salaire minimum de 2500.50 euros",
      "hidden": false
    "hiringOrganization": {
      "siret": "52099004500053",
      "identifier": "150321626112783351",
      "description": "société de recrutement ODELYS",
      "legalName": "ODELYS"
    "employmentType": {
      "identifier": "2",
      "label": "CDD"
    "employmentTime": "parttime",
    "industries": [
        "identifier": "1000",
        "label": "Informatique / Télécom / Internet"
    "occupationalCategories": [
        "identifier": "K1304",
        "label": "Services domestiques"
    "educationRequirements": [
        "identifier": "3",
        "label": "CAP / BEP ou équivalent"
    "experienceRequirements": [
        "identifier": "2",
        "label": "1 à 2 ans d'expérience"
    "profileStatus": "non-executive",
    "jobLocations": [
        "locality": "Charenton-le-Pont",
        "postalCode": "94220",
        "streetAddress": "52 Rue de Paris",
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 48.793144,
          "longitude": 2.474034
        "subRegion": {
          "name": "Val-de-Marne",
          "code": "94",
          "isoCode": "FR-94"
        "region": {
          "name": "Île-de-France",
          "code": "IDF",
          "isoCode": "FR-IDF"
        "country": {
          "identifier": "France",
          "code": "FR"
    "application": {
      "reference": "399f923225c901",
      "url": "https://mycompany.com/to-job-posting.html",
      "email": "john.ford@gmail.com",
      "telephone": "+33612345678",
      "type": "redirect",
      "info": "extra info for application purposes",
      "person": {
        "name": "John Ford",
        "telephone": "+33612345678",
        "faxNumber": "+33612345677",
        "email": "john.ford@gmail.co"
    "remote": {
      "remoteDays": 4,
      "temporary": false
    "createdAt": "02 Nov 22 08:20 UTC",
    "updatedAt": "02 Nov 22 08:35 UTC",
    "validThrough": "2022-10-29T19:00:00+02:00"

Mandatory fields #

  • partnerID
  • title
  • one of {description, profiledescription}
  • jobLocations.PostalCode
  • jobLocations.Country.Code
  • occupationalcategories.Label (*)
  • one of {hiringOrganization.legalName, hiringOrganization.identifier}
  • employmentType.label
  • application.url

(*) Occupational categories can be automatically filled based on job posting title. Please contact your sale representative to enable this feature. If enabled, it’s not required to fill this field.

Fields #

title #

type: string

Job title. Number of characters should be between 2 and 76.

partnerID #

type: string

Job posting unique identifier from customer side. Maximum length is 150 characters.

description #

type: string

Job description. The HTML tags are stripped out except ones authorized by the publisher.

Number of characters should be between 25 and 4000.

profileDescription #

type: string

Job profile description. The HTML tags are stripped out except ones authorized by the publisher.

Number of characters should be between 25 and 4000.

profileStatus #

type: string

Job profile status. Accepted values:

  • non-executive
  • executive

experienceRequirements #

type: []classification

Job experience requirements. It’s a list of classification items

FCMS Nomenclature exemple:

code label
1 Premier emploi
2 1 à 2 ans d’expérience
3 3 à 5 ans d’expérience
4 6 à 10 ans d’expérience
5 Plus de 10 ans d’expérience

educationRequirements #

type: []classification

Job education requirements. It’s a list of classification items

FCMS nomenclature exemple:

code label
1 Non qualifié
2 Brevet des collèges ou équivalent
3 CAP / BEP ou équivalent
4 Baccalauréat
5 Bac +2 ou équivalent
6 Bac +3 / Bac +4 ou équivalent
7 Bac +5 ou équivalent
8 Bac +8 ou équivalent

jobLocations #

type: []postalAddress

Job location. It’s a list of postal addresses.

This is basically the location(s) where job postings take place.

occupationalCategories #

type: []classification

Job occupational categories. It’s a list of classification items.

baseSalary #

type: object

Job salary.

Field Description type
period A duration as defined in ISO 8601 standard string
currency The currency code as listed in ISO 4217 standard string
maxValue Salary maximum amount value float64
minValue Salary minimum amount value float64
comment An additional comment about the salary string
hidden Display or not the salary on publisher site boolean

For a fixed salary, fill the same amount for maxValue and minValue.

You can hide the job salary by setting hidden to true.

employmentDuration #

type: string

Job employment duration. It represents the job total duration. Only duration a value from ISO_8601 standard is accepted.

employmentType #

type: classification

Job employment type. It’s a classification item.

employmentTime #

type: string

Job employment time. Accepted values :

  • parttime
  • fulltime

hiringOrganization #

type: object

Job hiring organization.

Field Description type
siret The company siret string
identifier The FCMS company identifier (aka bizio id) string
legalName The company legal name string
description An additional description string

If you don’t know the hiring organization identifier or siret, you can fill the legalName instead.

industries #

type: []classification

Job industries. It’s a collection of classification items.

application #

type: object

Job application. It’s basically the “how to apply” field

Field Description type
person The contact name person
email The contact email string
telephone The contact telephone string
url The job posting url where the candidate can apply string
reference The job reference, most of the time similar to PartnerId string
info Additional application info string

person #

type: object

Recruitment person information.

Field Description type
name Full name string
telephone Telephone number string
faxNumber Fax number string
email email string

createdAt #

type: time

Job first publication date. Accepts only a time value

updatedAt #

type: time

Job last update date. Accepts only a time value

validThrough #

type: time

Job validity date. Accepts only a time value

remote #

type: object

Job remote.

Field Description type
remoteDays Number of days in remote float64
temporary Is remote temporary ? boolean

classification #

type: object

A classification item is based on a nomenclature term to help classifying a job offer.

The chosen nomenclature may be the FCMS nomenclature or the one you have provided to us.

A classification item is listing two fields :

Field Description type
identifier The nomenclature term code or identifier string
label The nomenclature term label string

postal address #

type: object

A postal address list the field bellow:

Field Description type
country.identifier The country name string
country.code The country iso code. Based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string
locality The city name string
region.name The region name string
region.code The region code string
region.isoCode The region iso code based on ISO_3166-2 string
subRegion.name The SubRegion name string
subRegion.code The SubRegion code string
subRegion.isoCode The SubRegion iso code based on ISO_3166-2 string
postalCode The location postal code string
streetAddress The location street address string
coordinates.latitude The GPS latitude number float64
coordinates.longitude The GPS longitude number float64
hidden Whether the postal address shall be displayed on publisher site boolean

time #

type: string

A time value accepts the formats bellow:

Format Exemple value
ANSIC Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006
UnixDate Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006
RubyDate Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006
RFC822 02 Jan 06 15:04 MST
RFC822Z 02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700
RFC850 Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST
RFC1123 Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
RFC1123Z Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700
RFC3339 2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00
RFC3339Nano 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999+07:00